
Silicon Bronze Rod

  • Threaded Silicon Bronze Rod

    Yushung Fasteners

    Silicon Bronze Rod - UNC Thread (per 90cm)

    Cold-drawn silicon bronze round threaded bar in lengths of 90cm (3'). Meeting specification C65100-HO4, this UNC threaded bronze rod is suitable for bolts and other fastenings in a salt water environment. SKUUNC...

  • Silicon Bronze Rod

    Yushung Fasteners

    Silicon Bronze Rod - Plain (per 90cm)

    Cold-drawn silicon bronze rod in lengths of 90cm (3'). Meeting specification C65100-HO4, this plain bronze rod is suitable for working into bolts and other fastenings. SKUDiameterLength YSH-038401 1/4" (6.35mm) 90cm...

  • Round Copper Bar

    Copper Rod - Round Profile (per 30cm)

    Solid copper rod cut from 3.6m lengths in units of 30cm.  Copper rod has many nautical uses - for example by cutting a thread on one end copper rod can be used to fasten bronze deck hardware. If you require longer uncut pieces please be sure to add...
